Todd Foster

big project money

what's your next big thing?

Homeownership offers more than just a sense of pride and stability; it provides a valuable financial asset: home equity. As you pay down your mortgage and as your property value rises, the equity in your home grows. For many homeowners, this equity becomes a hidden reservoir of potential, waiting to be tapped for significant endeavors.

One of the most straightforward ways to access this potential is through a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit (HELOC). These financing options allow homeowners to borrow against the value of their homes, often at interest rates lower than traditional personal loans or credit cards.

Considering a transformative home renovation? Maybe you’re envisioning a modern kitchen, a sunroom addition, or a basement turned entertainment hub. Or perhaps you’re fostering dreams of entrepreneurship, eager to launch a new venture. By leveraging your home’s equity, you can access the funds needed to make these dreams a reality.

In essence, your home can serve as both a sanctuary and a springboard. By wisely tapping into your home equity, you can pave the way for meaningful projects that enhance your living space or launch new horizons in business.

Home Renovations

Refinancing your home for renovation is a savvy decision. Not only can you potentially secure a lower interest rate, but you also convert home equity into tangible improvements, increasing property value. This reinvestment can transform your living space into a dream haven while simultaneously boosting your home’s market appeal. By aligning financing costs with long-term homeowner benefits, refinancing becomes a strategic tool, merging aesthetic aspirations with financial wisdom. In essence, it’s not just about creating a beautiful home today, but ensuring a valuable asset for tomorrow.

Start a Business

Refinancing your home to fund a small business embodies entrepreneurial spirit. By tapping into home equity, you can access significant capital at potentially lower interest rates than traditional business loans. This move not only provides the financial cushion needed to navigate the initial challenges of entrepreneurship but also aligns your two most valuable assets: your home and your business vision. It’s a testament to leveraging what you have today to craft a prosperous tomorrow. In essence, by refinancing, you’re not just unlocking doors to your home, but to boundless business possibilities.

Remortgaging for renovation isn’t just about adding value to your home; it’s about enhancing your quality of life within those walls.”

- Todd Foster

mortgage coach

meet Todd

Let’s talk about big projects, new businesses, home renovations & make some of your dreams come true!
